Audio Alchemy- Now What?

getting the stereo bug back, currently have AA DDE 3.0 mod by Dusty Vawter and DDS transport, anyone with experience with this setup, how did you tweak or where did your next upgrade lead you

Showing 2 responses by elgordo

The DDE 3.0 is still excellent by today's standards. I'm not familiar with the DDS but I had a 1.1 top loader and it was at least as good as the Theta I'm now using. My recommendation (FWIW) would be either one of the various DTIs between the two units or a Genesis Digital Lens. Someone has a Lens listed on A-Gon for $250, which is a steal. I'm using a DTI 2.0 AND a Digital Lens between my transport and DAC.
The Genesis does not have IS2. It has coax, AESEBU, ST optical, BNC and Trashlink.