Audio Aero Prestige new trans cannot read cd/sac

My Prestige, equipped with the new Sony transport, has problem in reading CD/SACD. The player simply stops reading, lies quietly, plays no music for a few seconds before it and music resume.

Do any Prestige owner have the same experience as I do?


Showing 3 responses by peterd

In my experience the Prestige is very critical of clean discs, no marks,scratches, or other issues.The Transport Laser is extremely sensitive.Also don't forget to remove the disc when not playing.The transport will keep running and the laser will remain active (engaged ).
Hope this helps.
Agree with your problamatic results 100% . Mine does the same word for word.I sorta live with it as it is a spontaneous event. Audio Aero cannot source any repair parts as those particular parts originated in China.I see that they offer a trade-in upgrade with added expense.So I'd be interested to find out if you obtain the same success as Masilu.
My previous players such as Capitole MK1 & MK11 did not have any issues.
Well sorry about the service at AA.Yes they are the worst.
But they will answer you eventually.
As Davidsailor said ,it sure hurts to upgrade to the LaFontaine,but it is so nice it lessens the pain.