Audio Aero Capitole MK2 CD Puck.

Anyone experienced using a Electrocompaniet Spider puck instead of the original one for the Capitole Mk-2? Feedbacks on this are appriciated.
No I have not owned anything from your so called man himself...thats because I live on the other side of the world. I'am sure he is great but I never believe in modding any player...if you need a better player, best buy one your happy with. Nuff said pal, as you are getting very tiresome and boring. Pls go and hijack some other thread.

YES,I see you have owned some superb digital play back systems,no doubt.But, I see none of them have been up-graded by the man himself>>> Steve , of GNSC fame.....hahahahahaa 8*)

Here's the deal.....hahahahha....before the Esoteric X-01, I also owned...check this out....Wadia, 6, 16, 7+9, 861se, 270+27ix. Is there anything you want to add as this is a thread about the Capitole and not a debait.
02-25-08: Flashunlock
Hi Aolmrd1241,

Sorry to dissapoint you but the Teac VRDS transport is great and even the latest Neo transport. I owned a Esoteric X-01 and the Audio Aero Capitole Mk2 just slaughters it in every way. Nuff said :)

AHH,Flashunlock, but heres the rub, you are talking about the Esoteric,my bad. I should have included what player the VRDS is being used in, 8^),its a WADIA. Nuff Said...
Hi Aolmrd1241,

Sorry to dissapoint you but the Teac VRDS transport is great and even the latest Neo transport. I owned a Esoteric X-01 and the Audio Aero Capitole Mk2 just slaughters it in every way. Nuff said :)
The wizard of clamps? 8^)

Spiders and clamps and adhesives OH MY...

Sounds like VRDS to the rescue...Killer transport,nuff said.
The Electrocompaniet Spider puck will work for all Capitole players ( Philip CDM pro ) and I believe it can be ordered from their dealers.

Does anyone know if the spider puck would work with my Capitole 24/192?

Also, how/where does one purchase the Electrocompaniet spider puck.
Thanks guys for your input. All Germans who own the Capitole use a Electrocompaniet Spider puck instead of the original one and state it gives the music a much quieter background.
I'am a new owner of this great player and It slaughtered my Krell KPS-25Sc in everyway. One thing I'm not so sure is that from photos on the net. My unit is a mark-2 but it doesn't have the 4 small yellow capacitors by the output stage just before the XLR connectors...anyone can shed some light on this?
The importer has a replacement puck kit that you can buy for about $130
Instead of a cone-shaped spindle it has a non-tapered shaft of about a half inch diameter. The new puck then locates snuggly onto the shaft eliminating any lateral movement when the assembly rotates.
It all feels much more solid. You'll need a small bladed screwdriver to pop out the old tapered shaft and some epoxy/adhesive to bond the new shaft in position.

Here's a link to their website
