Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
You might try starting a new thread with this problem. I doubt this one will continue to attract the attention of the AA experts.
Make sure you didn't accidentally change the digital out option with the channel buttons on the left side of the player, or at the remote. The Capitole allows you to switch between which digital input is going to the output (direct)or from the player itself.
I was involved with the distribution of Audio Aero even before Globe Audio, and with Globe as a partner. Dealing with Audio Aero for almost five years forced me to resign from the company. This company has had greater than than seventy persent failure of all their products and never improved all the time I was involved with Globe. There are several reasons for this. Poor workmanship, improper testing, very poor quality controle, poor constuction, and no concept of production planning. We had a nine month delay in the release of the MK11, and when they were received another delay waiting for a programing chip that took another couple of months, and then going through three different chips. I asked Audio Aero not to release the MKII for one year so they could be properly tested, this obviously didn`t happen. I spent over two years trying to correct these problems with little success. The blame doesn`t rest with delivery problems, it is a result of poor consruction. The packaging was double boxed and you could have had it shipped in a wooden box, but one good bump could easily damage the unit because of poor constuction. I could go on for pages of problems with Audio Aero (and these problems were consistent right across their product line) but I would have a posting longer than War and Peace. I have kept myself away from this discussion for a long while, but Audio Aero needs a good slap.
Matthew Brazeau
Ouch, Matt! I am having great fun with my Audio Aero. I am now happier I bought an almost new one, for half of the price. Still, I really do love the sound and from most of these threads I see many happy customers since the P4 chip thing got fixed. I really would cry if mine failed. I love it!
Rightyo Unclejeff!
That was OLD news. All of the newer Capitoles have been great, especially the ones from this year, from what I hear!!