Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 

Showing 3 responses by inna

They don't even have a phono stage from Constellation, if it exists at all. Yeah, a little strange. I like AA and Needle Doctor. Never dealt with AS, bought a few records and cds from MD and didn't like their lousy packaging and overcharged shipping for small items. Chicago..

I see. AA just got their 'value' line. They are good people. I recently bought $200 Grado phones there, and what the man said was right on. He was not in a hurry, didn't try to convince me to get Grado Rererence instead, headphone amp etc. Very professional. I also bought a few pieces from them in the past, same attitude.
Soon enough we'll be able to print audiophile gear in our living rooms. Both regular and on-line dealers will be gone. Brave new world. I prefer to stay in '80's time warp'.