Audience AR 12 TS vs Tesla PowerCell 10SE Mk III

After owning the Audience AdeptResponse 12 (non teflon) version I am thinking of an upgrade. For those who have compared the AR 12 TS vs Synergistic Research Tesla PowerCell 10SE Mk II or MkIII, which ones worked out better for you?

As the AR12TS is a pricer alternative, I am wondering if the SR Powercell 10SE MkIII would be on the same level. The AR 6 TS would be indeed another alternative but I would like to keep units with the same width.

I have dedicated 20A lines and am using all tube gear.

Showing 3 responses by jazzonthehudson

Since I have received no response but see that this thread is viewed a lot, I would like to extend the invitation to compare the Audience AR12-T or TS to other passive PLCs like Running Spring Dimitri, Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One V4 or V5, BPT CPC Signature PLUS...

I would like to remain under 6k list price (I know that the AR12-TS is above that point but since I have other Audience cables, Audience gets a head start).
Chayro, could you elaborate on the improvement of the T versus the non T version? I have currently an AR12 and am thinking of an upgrade. The 12T comes up sporadically whereas the 12TS understandably much less frequent on the used market. If the T is not that much of a difference I may as well go for alternatives (I do have the Shunyata Titan in mind but forgot to mention that, thanks Franks for bringing that up) and/or upgrade my first leg of power cord which is currently NordOst Valhalla.

For a higher return I will upgrade my wall sockets, currently have Wattgate 381 and SR Tesla SE, will add Maestro and Furutech GTX-R to the mix and see which ones works best where (2 music and 1 HT system). For that end, I have acquired a PI Audio Ueberbuss and will replace the standard sockets with 3 variants so it easier to switch for testing purposes. The Ueberbuss is not bad at all by itself but aren't most of us searching for the last 5% or 10% of improvement?
As my moniker indicates, I am also into jazz and classical; occasionally I put on a classic rock track, probably driven by nostalgia.
I will try the AU24 or probably the AU24SE PC. The Valhalla offers a lot of speed and transparency but lacks other traits. Audience SE series interconnects and speaker cables IME are quite a step up from their E series cables and I see them in some real high end systems.

Can you describe the diff between the AR6 and AR6TS? I believe in tweaks but never tried the Shakti stones; I do have good results with WA Quantum chips, they are a must in fuses (stock or better still, the usual suspects of after market fuses). In the AR12 case, I put it on the Neutrik connector or close to it.

A nice side effect is that we get exposed to many disciplines of material science besides the expected ones in wave dynamics and electrical signal transmission; hearing is believing!

How would you describe the improvement of the aR2p-TO vs the original Powercell 10?


In the mean time I will upgrade my Ueberbuss with Furutech GTX-R sockets and see what it gives.