Audible Illusions vs CJ preamps: sonic difference?

I know how CJ sounds; how does AI M3a sound different than say a PV-11 or PV-12?


Showing 1 response by tomcy6

RE: the original question, let me put in a good word for c-j. I have not heard the AI.

The PV-11 and 12 are long discontinued budget preamps. You will generally find the current production c-j preamps in Class A in Stereophile and recommended in TAS. c-js Statement preamps (currently the GAT) are considered state of the art.

Does that mean you will like a c-j preamp better than the AI? No. But c-j does build fine preamps that are not dark or rolled off. They are not hard on tubes and the sound can be tailored by rolling a variety of tube brands.

I would listen to some more recent c-js before writing them off.