Audible Illusions Modulus PreAmp>Best Amplifier Match Ever!

For those who either had or still have an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A/3B pre-amp, what is/was the best solid state amplifier ever mated with the Modulus sonically; is there a "killer combination" that delivers/delivered that "goose-bump", audiophile experience?
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I have my AI Mod 3b mated with a Pass Labs X250.8. Before that it was an Aragon 8008BB. The Aragon was/is no slouch, but the X250.8 is a great match!

My updated L3b from L3a on 6h23n-eb is paired with Sander Magtech Stereo driving the Revel Salon Ultimate 2 🥳

For many years I used a Modulus 3A with an Aragon 4004 MKII. They sounded great together.