Audible Illusions Modulus 3A an upgrade?

I'm using a Tube Audio Design TAD-150 signature series preamp with a Rogue Audio 90 power amp feeding a vintage pair of JBL 4311 speakers. I listen to mostly "classic rock" and blues.

I've been reading about how nice the AI Modulus 3A preamp is. Would it be considered an upgrade over my TAD-150?

Please forgive what might be an "ignorant" question from, but I am pretty much a "newbie" to high end audio.
thank you so much for your ideas.
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Showing 1 response by jay_douglas_2879b79

you have a great system. those jbl's are better suited for classic rock than pretty much anything out there. they(along with their sibling the 4312)are still considered classics. they were used to master more music during the our lifetime then all other monitors combined. the 4312 is still sold in japan and retails for nearly 2000 u.s. dollars. even at that price its a bargain.