Attenuator recommendations

Hi, I am having some issues with either my cdp output level (6 vrms) or amp input sensitvity. Either way, I think I need to get an inline attenuator. I would prefer to get the very best attenuator available that does not degrade the signal in any way. I am absolutely new to this so I would appreciate any feedback. By the way, I need XLR and RCA.

Thank you...

Showing 6 responses by tboooe

Herman, thanks for the reply. The issue I am having is that my volume is way too loud even at the next to the lowest possible volume setting. This is not the case with my current preamp but I have now auditioned two different (tube) preamps which both had this same extreme volume issue. The reason why I am looking for both RCA and XLR is becuase I am not sure what output connector my next preamp will have.
I think I figured out what is going on though I am not sure.

First, my cdp output is 6vrms which is much higher than the 2-3vrms that I usually see for other cdp.

Second, the max output of the pre I am auditioning is 50vrms while my current pre max output is 20vrms. They both have the same number of volume steps (0-100 at 0.5db each step). I think this tells me that for any given volume setting the preamp I am auditioning will be outputting a higher voltage than my current preamp. This would lead to higher volume. Both of the pres have about the same gain 17-20db.

Am I missing something?

Since my amps which seem to be have too low an input sensitivity (is too sensitive), are not going anywhere, it looks like I either find a pre that has lower output voltage and gain, or use an attenuator.
onhwy61...i do understand herman;s post. That is why I said I would either have to find another pre or use an attenuator (which is not desirable).

I was just trying to make sure I understand what is causing this volume issue so i know what to look out in the future.

That being said, what should i look for in terms of gain structure? Preamp gain. Preamp voltage output?
courtvision21, yes I have tried adjusting the BAT's "Relative Volume" for the cd input. It did make a difference though I find I am stuck at the 2-3 volume setting. I have tried another cdp that outputs 1.7v and the volume from the BAT is still too loud. Not sure what to do now...
herman...chill out dude...explain me this:

my classe gain is 14db
the bat is 17db

perhaps I am understanding but I cannot imagine that a 3db difference in gain would result in the huge difference in volume I am hearing...
courtvision21, yes I have adjusted it all the way down (-40) and the fixed output is off.

downunder and that makes sense. thanks for the patience and helping me understand what is happening. Your responses are very similar to a what BAT just told me about their volume control. Again, thanks.