Attenuater Autonomy?

I received a new amp lately (Krell KSA-150), and have it hooked up to my pre, which is a old school AV processor (Proceed PAV). Everything sounds find, but my normal listening volume is between 3-7. I believe that on this unit  I can lower the whole attenuated range of the output signal to the amp, requiring me to turn the pre volume higher and thus make the amp work 'a little harder' to bring the music to my listening range. 

So my questions are 1) by making the amp work 'a little harder' will the music sound any different? I'm guessing no. 2) By doing this, am I burdening my system in any way that may not make a sonic difference. I am also guessing know. 3) The real question is, by doing this will I be able to attenuate the volume in smaller audible steps? Sometimes, my ideal volume really would be between 1-2 for some albums.

The reason I am bothering you all instead of just trying this out for myself is that my pre requires a TV to display its many settings menus, and righteously do not own a TV. I am also righteously too lazy to borrow one from a friend, unless I know for sure that it will work. - Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ubersujith

Thanks, Al and George.

Upon closer inspection of the manual, I think your are correct George. On the Proceed PAV, I can adjust the input signal from each source, not lower the attenuated range of output signal. AND, I might be able to do this without buying or borrowing a TV (or a s-video to HDMI converter to plug into my computer monitor).

I will report back when I can make these changes.