Attention Sonic Frontiers owners.....

Hi, I have recently been corrected of a mistake regarding the Sonic Frontiers Line series pre/amps and Power Series of amps. I was always informed that the most important tube spots for these products was the rear most LV1, V1 rear positions. After trying a little experiment with my tube amp I became curious about a tube swap that I performed. I emailed SFI and I was then told of the circuit topology. It is broken down like this for the Line 2 and Power 2:
Line 2:
V1 and LV1 – Input buffer
V2 and LV2 – Gain stage
V3 and LV3 – Cathode follower
Power 2:
V1 and LV1 – input buffer
V2 and LV2 – voltage amplifier
V3 and LV3 – driver
V4 and LV4 – cathode follower.
I’ve since started using the gain stage slots for my better tubes and have been pleasantly surprised. I recommend that you try the same if you own one of these products. I'm not sure about the Line1+3 or the other power series of amps but I recommend you email SFI about them for more details.

Showing 1 response by nghiep

I have the SF power 2 amp and SF says that the 2 front 6922 run hot. Had anyone experienced the capacitors under the 2 front tubes got hot and the cap. the labels pealed off?