Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business

I cannot believe that I am the first to post this.

Any comments to this? Was this just well known to everyone but me?

Showing 5 responses by unsound

I'm very dissapointed by this news. Mr. Dunlavy was planning on using digital crossovers into individulally powered drivers in the future. I can think of only a hand few of others that could probably do this with the same expertise. The future is now that more distant.
I have never found the hieght of loudspeaker an issue. It's the foot print and relative distance to side,rear and listeninig positions that are a challange.
Who will pick up the void of time and phase coherent sealed boxes? James Thiel do you hear your name being called?
Ozfly, Thiel previoulsy made sealed boxes such as the CS 3.5's and the CS 5's. Except for the very first Thiels, all are time, phase and amplitude coherent. Thiel's new sub woofer is the only sealed box in their current line up. No, I don't think a passive woofer qualifies. I have yet to hear complaints about Thiel parts qualitity, in fact I have heard the opposite. I have heard complaints about Dunlavy parts quality. Obviously, I have a preference for sealed boxes. Yes, Thiel certainly seems to have their professional act together. I still think it a shame that Dunlavy is no longer, especially considering the future direction they were promising to go to.