Attention Alon V Mark II owners

If you own Alon V Mark II speakers or have a chance to buy some, and if you're not sure they are sounding as good as other people say they should try reversing the polarity of the midrange connection.

I just got a pair of used Alon V Mark IIs and although I could hear some of the advantages of the speaker something didn't seem just right. Long story short one of the previous owners has been modifying the cross over components and I suspect they have had the midrange disconnected. When they put it back they may not have realized that the midrange is meant to be wired in reverse polarity (you can search for a schematic on line and you can see this for yourself) and they connected with the wrong polarity.

From what I've seen it is common for people to modify this speaker and I have reasoned that maybe this wasn't an isolated case of one owner playing around but maybe this is a moder who has done this to a few speaker sets. So I thought I'd pass this along in case this is so.

How can you tell if the midrange is reversed? First, the transient response of the speaker is off. Snare drums don't have a sharp snap but a dull thud. Cymbals don't ring properly. The musicality of the speaker (timing) is off.

Recorded ambiences sounds (echoes and such) are either none existent or sound wrong.

The frequency response sounds a little broken up. Great lows, great highs, great middle but they don't blend smoothly.

If this sounds familiar simply try reversing the midrange connections. Its that simple. If you have this problem you will be very glad you try this, it makes a huge difference.

With the correction made these are truly awesome speakers, highly recommended.


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I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.