Atmasphere amps trustable?

Tube world, a big world, then I came acorss the Atmasphere on the net, looks different from those common tube stuff... kinda weird, the M-60 uses 8x 6AS7G output tube and 4x 6SN7 driver tube per channel, where're the rectifier tubes? Plus they're so-called OTL, sounds even more weird.

Showing 1 response by dracule1

Unfortunately, my experience with my M-60 was not all that great.  I bought it new about 4 years ago through an authorized dealer.  Within the first 3 months, 3 output tube failures. Every time a tube failed, I would hear a loud pop through my speakers scaring the c***p out of me.  Tube hiss was another issue.  Power transformer hum was another.  By far the noisiest tube amp I've owned. After 6 months, I sold it and never looked back.

On the positive side, it had the best high frequency I've ever heard from any amp.  Smooth, crystal clear, and detailed.