Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing

Today I picked up my Atma-Sphere Class D Amps. These aren’t broken in yet. And they are simply amazing. I’ve listen to a lot of High End Class D. Some that cost many times what Atma-Sphere Class D costs. I wasn’t a fan of any of them. But these amps are amazing. I really expected to hate them. So my expectations were low. The Details are of what I’ve never heard from any other amps. They are extremely neutral. To say the realism is is extremely good is a gross understatement. They are so transparent it’s scary. These amps just grab you and suck you into the music. After I live with them some and get them broken in. And do some comparisons to some other high end Amps Solid State, Tubes and Class D’s, also in other systems I’ll do a more comprehensive review. But for now, these are simply amazing amps.. Congrats to Ralph and his team. You guys nailed on these.




Showing 1 response by pokey77


Really appreciate your insightful experience and comments.

I am thankful that you brought Class D to the market and that it has been so well received. I run Class D myself, though it is not the typical Class D amp - it is the TAD M2500. In the process of choosing an amp, I listened to Luxman, Pass, Burmester (very good), and maybe one or two others, I forget, and the TAD was the best that fell into my budget - only the Burmester 909 with matching 077 preamp was better, but at $$ multiples of the M2500 + C2000 pre. This pairing makes my TAD E-1s sing and I’m sure part of that is system/manufacturer synergy, but if Class D were not good, the system would not be sublime like it is.

I hope the more manufacturers will make high quality Class D amps, glad you’ve beat nearly all of them to the punch.

Thanks again for being the gentlemen and sharing your decades of experience with us all.