ATC or Audio Note (2-way)

Anyone have experience with both brands?

I only buy gear I can upgrade and tinker with and I stick with 2-way loudspeakers..

AN seems easier to DIY. so I would definitely want to see how the ATC responds to component upgrades. Are they capable of much higher resolution?


thanks in advance




Showing 3 responses by erikt

I've owned both

ATC SCM11v2s

Audio Note AN-K SPx/SPe

Two very different price points.  The ATCs are very resolving, fast transient response, can play really loud and still maintain tonal balance and soundstage w/o compression.  They do need power to wake them up - so low level listening was their weak point, imo.

GR Research did a video on these for mods - their freq response is down a bit on top (I would agree), the mod evens this out.

AN-K's are much more efficient - best way to describe the sound is natural, relaxed and tonally 'right'.  Just as resolving as the ATCs, but they play better at low to mid-high volumes.  They don't do as well loud, imo.  I've not seen any measurements on the AN-Ks, so can't comment on mods.


Maybe, but my opinion was based on side by side comparisons of the ATCs and Audio Notes using two different integrated amps

Musical Fidelity A5

Luxman L-509x

The ATCs were great speakers - make no mistake; just compared to the Audio Notes they did not sound "as good" at low levels.  

I was the one that mentioned it already - good video.

I didn't have the link handy - so thanks for posting that!