at home has unplugged its network

like millions of others, i've been using a cable modem hooked up to the @home network. the bankruptcy judge overseeing @home's chapt. 11 case has allowed it to cancel its contracts with providers such as at&t, effectively unplugging those companies' subscribers from internet connectivity. i'm hoping that this will be a quite temporary problem, but have no idea yet how long i'll be down. in the meantime, if anyone needs to reach me, please use my "business" address: thanks.


Showing 1 response by fatparrot

Sorry to hear of your problems, Cornfedboy! Get a really, REALLY long ball of string, connect it to two paper cups, and then you can splice in a shorter piece of string for your modem! Actually, use a heavier piece of twine to connect to your modem. This twine will give a better frequency response and better "air"...much like a high quality interconnect! If you got the bucks, you might even upgrade to wool yarn! Seriously, I wish you luck! Qwest has such antiquated phone lines where I live, that on a good day, my modem runs at 26K instead of 56K. Actually, a piece of yarn may be faster in my case!