AT ART 1000 vs London Reference vs Ana Mighty Sound 103.3

I have eagerly desired to hear the ART 1000 every since I first heard about (2016?) and finally I decided to have one sent out to me to satisfy my curiosity. I have read many things about this unique design, all good. People have compared its dynamism to the London, going as far as to state that it's capable of explosive dynamics. I listened to the unit on my Technics SL 1200 GAE with both my AMR PH 77 (MU 6900 tubes and AMR TriCore Capacitors installed) and my SPL Phonos. I used the LP Gear Zupreme headshell and the Audio Technica AT-LH 18/OCC headshell.

First off this cartridge in the AT headshell is a thing of beauty, a real functional piece of art (no pun intended :). I literally took photos of it on my TT as it just looked so gorgeous.

The ART did not take to the LP Zupreme very well with the sound becoming a bit cooler and taking on an almost strident nature. 
I found the ART to be a very fluid and refined cartridge, it reveals a massive amount of information from the groove. All in all I spent about a solid 20 or more hours intensely listening and fine tuning the cartridge to reveal the best it had to offer. It is a bit to the right of neutral, i.e. I find it to be a bit warm and it does instill a bit of lushness to the music. This may be welcome in some systems that may err to the left of neutral or are a bit sterile. 

I listened to music by Jacintha (Fire and Rain, James Taylor Tribute), Julie London, Dianna Krall, Chasing the Dragons Espana, Joss Stone, Stevie Ray Vaughn (45, Couldn't Stand the Weather from the 12 album boxed set), Stacey Kent and many others. 

It sounded lovely, and that's where I started having issues. I simply could not become engaged with the music that I know so well. My 103R is engaging, my 103.3 is engaging as is my London and Anna. The Art caused me to sit there and listen and wait and wait and wait for the magic. It never happened. I wanted to like this cartridge so so much but in the end I simply could not connect with its take on the musical spectrum.

I compared it to the London and let me go on record and state that if anyone tells you that this cartridge has London like dynamics, don't ever listen to anything they convey to you concerning hi end audio without listening for yourself. It is NO WHERE near the London as far as dynamics, immediacy or aliveness. It is more refined than the London but worlds away from that live feel that the London can so easily evoke. 

Comparing the ART to the 103.3 and 103R I found the 103R to be a bit rough sounding in direct comparison and yet, it makes my foot tap and makes me smile. The 103.3 does what the 103R does only so much better and far more refined. At the end of the day the 103.3 was preferred (for my ears), it simply plays with nearly the same level of refinement as the ART, but not quite, and yet the openness and aliveness it presents is far more engaging. I found myself leaving the 103.3 on for longer periods of time during my comparative cartridge swap outs.

I would sum it up as follows; I find that the ART has a sort of hi-fi-ish sound. It makes the music sound a little processed to my ears. Some people like this sound, I am not one of them. I would attribute this same quality to the Air Tight PC 1 Supreme, but not the PC 1. I find that the PC 1 Supreme has that same sort of hi-fi-ish sound where as the standard PC 1 does not and to my ears, sounds better than the Supreme. 

All in all this is a beautifully made device that will, I have no doubt, sound sublime in some systems and to some ears. Even though it is ultimately not for me I think it is a great value as I could easily see some of the other manufactures charging $10K or more for this unit. 

I think I am going to send Francois another 103 and try a 103.4 with the silver coils to quench my curiosity :)

Hope this was helpful to someone. 

Thanks for reading. 

Showing 13 responses by audiofun


Thanks for the kind words. I did neglect to mention that the cartridge had 80 hours on it prior to my beginning the listening sessions.

I will still continue working with it to see what more I may be able to coax out of it to the possible detriment of my bank account :)

The 103.3 is a 103 or 103r modification performed by Ana Mighty Sound in France.

I agree, it does seem as though he would have wanted to go up the chain and eventually review the London Reference. I think I will be getting a Tsar next for audition.

I would recommend you have a chat with Robin Wyatt. I don't want to write out of turn concerning any of his policies :)

You have much more experience with Deccas than I do with the Reference being my first real exposure to them not counting You Tube videos. 

You have me interested in looking at their mono offerings as I need to add a mono cartridge to my small but growing collection. 

I agree with you but I have to confess something LOL. The ART started sounding better last night as I put another 5 hours on it. I don’t think the dealer really put 80 hours on this unit. I am not saying that he told me a fib but rather probably took a best guess. I bet this cartridge probably had about 40 real play time hours on it when I received it. As of now I have put about 25 to 30 hours on it and it definately took a turn for the better last eveing. It was eery as I could almost hear it getting better in real-time as I went from album to album.

I am not ready to pronounce anything definitive at this point but I will say that the "hi-fi-ishness" (my own special word:) is starting to depart quickly and definitively. This is one of the reasons I like to continue testing a product until I am absolutley sure it will not change any more. Had I not been told this unit had 80 hours on it I would NEVER have written a review with such a short auditioning time.

As it stands the music is beginning to sound more of a whole and not heterogenous as it was originally with different parts of the musical spectrum appearing to exist separately. It is now much more homogenous.

I knew I should have quit when I didn’t care for it :) If it continues to change for the better my bank account will be smaller. I will continue running this unit in for the next several days and report back.

Thank you. I was actually reading some of your posts a little earlier this evening ago regarding the Decca cartridges :)

I absolutely agree with you that components can sound better then worse (wash repeat) during break-in. I actually wondered if that is what was/is occurring with the ART 1000. Either way, at this point it sound fantastic and I am probably going to purchase one for myself. My AMR DP 777 se was notorius for sounding good and then not so good during its break-in period. 
So I spoke with the dealer again and in fact it appears that this cartridge may have only played about 20 records prior to it landing in my possession. The limited playtime would perfectly explain why my initial thoughts about the cartridge were not up to my expectations. Twenty records is a long way off from eighty play-time hours.

That would man the cartridge had less than 40 hours on it and I have put about 32 hours on it at this point. It makes sense that it would now start to show/hint at its true capabilities.


You are are correct sir, the AT does need more break-in.  The London’s are great. 

As magnesium is a naturally damped (well more so than aluminum) metal I’m guessing that’s why my London sounds so fantastic on the GAE arm or at least one of the contributing factors along with the Schick oil impregnated graphite headshell used on the London.

I think I have a mechanical resonance plot from Technics around here somewhere comparing the magnesium arm to the aluminum arm. The mg arm is quite a bit more adept at controlling resonance than the aluminum arm.
Interview before purchase? That is ridiculous and quite frankly no ones business what my system is composed of. If I want to buy a cartridge and frame it as art that is my prerogative. These are the types of individuals that show the ugly side of this wonderful indulgence that is hi-end Audio. Sounds nutty to me.

Climbing down from soapbox now.
Just a quick follow-up in case it wasn't clear. The ART 1000 once fully broken in has become one of my favorite cartridges and I will be adding it to my system very soon. Only a mixup with another product I purchased from the dealer delayed my purchase. 

Please do allow about 60 - 70 hours of break-in as it will transform itseld into a thing of beauty. I love the London for classical and Jazz ensembles, although it sounds great on everything. Interestingly the London sounds better on the GAE with the large weight preferred to the small wieght (of course the VTF is set to the same regardless of the weight  used). The ART is ultimately more refined than the London and simply beautifule to listen to :)

Love my Anna for the way it paints the overall sonic canvas.

I will soon review the Luxman EQ500 which  I have added to my phonotages. The SPL Phonos is for now dedicated to the London. That combination is simply magical. 
Hi lewm;

Obviously I don’t know your system or the ART 7 but if I recall isn’t the ART 7 a very low output cartridge (.12mv) ? What gain is your stage set for while running the ART.  I would suggest nothing lower than 66dB and perhaps as hi as 72dB (roughly a gain of 4000 times).

I'm sure you know all this but I’m humbly suggesting that if your cartridge is fully run in, it sounds like it could be loading or perhaps the VTA is too high. 

The possibility of course exists that you have it perfectly setup and the sonic traits of the cartridge are simply not to your liking.

I understand what you are saying concerning tonality and VTA. I do believe that VTA can extend beyond just tonality and literallly affect a make-or-break situation in the overall sound of the transducer.

I keep records for each of my cartridges as to where the VTA should be for less than 180g, 180g and greater than 180g. I can hear the differences.

Just today I was listening to my London on 180g vinyl and I didn’t like it, turns out I had it set for 120g vinyl.

In a truly resolving system I find it vastly important. It is one reason I don’t easily consider arms that don’t have easily repeatable VTA adjustments.

Would love to know the outcome of your endeavor :)