ASL Hurricane or CJ 140

I am looking for a reasonably priced, high-power tube amp. It will play in a system with a Modwright 9.0SE preamp and Gallo Reference 3 speakers. Imaging and liquidity are important to me. Also speed and an extended high end. Not worried about bass. Mainly listen to jazz and rock.
the CJ 140 is lush and dark? i wouldn't call it that... there probably are faster amps out there tho. i'd consider atmasphere if your impedence curve doesn't dip too low...
Im not going to be a sore thumb but neither of the amps mentioned has speed as a strong point. Ive owned them both driving Schweikert vr 4 SEIII. The hurricanes are lush and a bit darkish, the CJ is close to that. Ive owned VTL 300, 450, Rogue Zeus and some others. I owned Rogue 120's before the fore mentioned units and Ive sold all of them for another Rogue 120 magnum pair. The 150's might be worth a listen. Speed correct? great hobby enjoy
The CJ is neutral, with a very controlled balanced sound, it will not enhance (or detract) from the midrange or low end. The lows are controlled well for a tube amp. The highs are magical. I wouldn't say it is the most transparent amp out there, but it is very transparent. I think with the right speakers, the CJ would be incredible. I could see it being matched very well to something like a Harbeth, a speaker a bit on the warmer side. Not sure where the Gallos fall in the warm/cool spectrum, but thought these thoughts might help. Ultimately, the CJ + my new Logan Vantages were too cool of a match, so I went and am happier with some Cary 805c.
I have the original ASL Hurricanes. I have a review here on AudioGon. Aside from the fact that the amps are not "state of the art" in build quality (had some minor problems) they are SOTA in sound. I would certainly consider them. As to the Connies, from my recollection they have a wonderful tube warmth to them! Very pleasing to listen to.
Good luck!