As good as Ayre QB-9 DSD but with SPDIF input?

Can you guys recommend a DAC that's better or same league as the QB-9 DSD but with SPDIF input?

Do you have the Bada 1 or 2? If its the one, then definitely try the Lampi, as only the 2 would be comparable to an L4 in my book.

I was at a recent GTG where the Ayre was present. It was the weakest DAC there.

Of the DAC's present the only one you likely would be able get a hold of is the PS Audio Direct Stream.

I was also very impressed with an upgraded Oppo, so much so I got one for my system. It was upgraded by a guy out my way so you would unlikely be able to get my exact one, but a number of companies do Oppo upgrades so you should be able to find one.

Just for kicks I've sorted these suggestions by prices listed on various review sites.

Sim Audio D300 V2 $1,000
Hegel HD12 $1,400
Hegel HD25 $2,500

Ayre QB-9 DSD $3,250
Auralic Vega $3,500
Exasound E22 $3,500

Berkeley Alpha Series 2 $5,000
Lampizator Level 4 $5,000
Mytek Manhattan $5,000
PS Audio Direct Stream $6,000
Calyx Femto $6,850
Meitner MA1 $7,000

I've sent and email to the Lampi requesting more info about the L4. I doubt this is going to show up on the used market anytime soon.

Happy Holidays!