As good as Ayre QB-9 DSD but with SPDIF input?

Can you guys recommend a DAC that's better or same league as the QB-9 DSD but with SPDIF input?


Showing 7 responses by wisnon

Lampi L4
Auralic Vega
Hegel HD12
Calyx Femto
Meitner MA1
Exasound E22 Mytek Manhatten

Lots to choose from.
No DSD128 is a big drawback, but specs are impressive and price is relatively low...

The new HD12 DAC is a True-DSD64 (native) DAC, with an on board digital preamp and a high quality headphone output.

Key features of this new DAC are an exceptionally low noise floor of -145dB and equally low jitter levels. In these respects it represents the best DAC we have developed to date.

Jitter wise, the largest improvement is reducing the level of “skirting” – resulting in a very much more precise sound. Together with the low noise levels, the HD12 can paint a soundstage like you never heard before. These are traits that also benefit the headphone output greatly.

The HD12 also supports all common files up to 24/192kHZ (including 88.2/176.4) on all inputs, in addition to true DSD64. A brand new USB interface / implementation makes this all possible.

On the input side, the HD12 has 1 USB, 2 optical and one RCA input. There are both RCA and true balanced analog outputs, and these can be used together if you want to add a subwoofer.

The remote control (included) can be used to control all functions of the DAC, as well as control other Hegel components.

Available in the US Warehouse now

Price: $1400

The lampi snagged TWO awards here. Check out the Level 4 (with DSD)for sure!

No issues with L4 long term, plus its under 5 year warranty. 2 service guys in the US and return to Poland in extreme case takes 2 days via DHL.

Trial? You have a 7 day return policy from the guys running LampizatorNorth America.

You can also try the Amber Dac with its cheaper price and great feedback at forum:


228 Posts. Joined 12/2008
Location: Poland, Warsaw
Just dropping in to say that I had a listen to Amber. I've compared it to Essence III and TeddyDAC. Amber was king of the hill all the way. He represents much higher level than those two, at some point me and my buddy felt that this comparison was unfair. From devices known to me, I'd start comparing Amber to products like at least Vega.

Quick sum up:
Amber - transparent, excellent dynamics, enormous soundstage, spot on texture, organics and smooth
EIII - muddy, warm, cosy, not really detailed in comparison, intimate
TeddyDAC - something between those two above

Having said that, taste does matter, so do have a listen to a few leading contenders and see what you think.
Do you have the Bada 1 or 2? If its the one, then definitely try the Lampi, as only the 2 would be comparable to an L4 in my book.

The Lampi L4 does show up used from time to time as people upgrade to the L5, L6 and L7. The Lampi US guys even have this info from other customers activley seeking to upgrade, so ask them.

The L5 used would possibly be a steal!