Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!

Hey all,

As someone who hasn't been reading the audiophile press for all that long, I stumbled upon this article that I'm sure it lit up these airwaves when it was first published:

It's a great article and one that any knowledgeable person would most likely agree with, but hey, spending your own hard-earned (or inherited) money is a right and a privilege.  Art does call out some brands that he perceives to give great value:  AMVR, VPL, Conrad-Johnson, DeVore and Harbeth and Kimber and Peachtree and Quicksilver and Rega and Rogue and Spendor and Wavelength.  Shouldn't NAD be on this list?  

But what he doesn't do and I think is warranted, is name the companies that are most egregious in selling high-end products where the performance is far below the cost.  

I, for one, would love to see a list of those manufacturers from the people who read this forum.  You can group them by what they manufacture or just put them in order as you see fit.  I think it would be most helpful in calling b.s. but with "added-value", which is what this whole article was all about.  Right?


Showing 14 responses by mrdecibel seem to have abandoned another thread you started quite recently ( speakers for a 2nd home ), and now you started this one. Why should I respond to you ? Besides, I think this question of yours is ridiculous. Enjoy ! MrD.
@lgoler I apologize. FYI, I was one who wanted to help you. As far as audio gear being to expensive, look at the homes, automobiles, boats, planes, wines, clothing, jewelry, etc., that the wealthy can afford. Even the pure breed pets they purchase ( I adopt ).The reviewers I follow ( just about all of them ), have too much class to berate or slander a product or manufacturer. And yes, NAD, Parasound, Belles, and Odyssey, just to name a few, sell equipment at a reasonable cost vs. their performance. @roberjerman .......As I have said before, your opinions do not matter to me in the least. Lashing out at me because I spend money on better power cords and fuses for my gear, and called you on it. Well, again childish on your part. I know of some people ( they used to be clients of mine ) who will purchase those amps. Some to attain a higher level of enjoyment, and admittedly, some as a status quo. When money is no object, who are we to judge. I certainly do not have that kind of money, nor do I have enough to " have a 2nd home ", as lgoler, and others. What I do know, is that I joined the ’Gon years ago to share, and learn, about my passion of recorded music, and the means to achieve better results. I believe audio is, to an extent, scientific, but the final results are always in the listening. My ears are my gift, and folks like you are an embarrassment ( again, imo ), and are nothing but trolls. So, enjoy ! MrD.
@lgoler It’s all good. I admit, very often when I post, my passion can get the best of me. Again, I do apologize. My dad also introduced me to Sinatra, Goodman, The Dorsey brothers, you name it. At 9 years old ( 1962 ) my dad gave me his Fisher 500C receiver, AR 2AX speakers, and Dual 1229 tt with Shure cartridge. I blame him for my madness, lol, may he RIP. *** The new and improved version of the AGs are 12K plus, almost triple the price as the originals. How do you feel about this ? Is this a value, reasonable, or over priced, in your opinion ? I have not heard the new ones, but the reviews I have read indicate to me they may be overpriced. @erik_squires Plus 1 - You and I are pretty diehard when it comes to " using our ears ". @tooblue Plus 1. Enjoy ! MrD.
@kosst.........the general public, like my sister, who enjoys music as much as myself, but she listens and enjoys music, through a Bose all in one table top system, and on her phone. The general public, I don’t think so. Just a handful here on the ’Gon think much of this as snake oil, you of course included. That was not the base of Art’s article, as he was talking to, and about, the " audio community ", not the general public, and that prices of equipment ( yes power cords and cables, too ), have gotten out of hand, and I concur ( btw, the general public does not read audio magazines ). Of my many audio buddies growing up, I was always the 1st one bringing home the expensive stuff, at that time. I was middle class, but found ways to purchase the equipment, and because I was in the business, I did get accommodation pricing from the manufacturers and rep firms, which always helped on new equipment, but mostly dabbled in the 2nd hand market. Maybe an upgraded power cord will enhance your system ? I know your F5 would appreciate it, how about you ? $ 30 from Hong Kong / China with free shipping for a 1 meter. Or a buy it / try it offer from the Cable Company ( many other sites as well ) Enjoy ! MrD. worded it better than I did, stating that it would be unfair to the manufacturers and distributors, and this was the reason why I found the OP’s question initially ridiculous. On the other hand, I do understand the OP for wanting to know, from us here on the Gon, what products to stay away from, based on our perceived value. As I apologized to the OP for my response to his post, I should have explained this to him immediately, which would have shown brotherly love, which is what we should all be doing. Music listening, for most of us ( for me at least ), allows the connection with the artist ( s ), and transcends us to being part of the performance, in the audience, on stage, or back stage, you get the point. BTW, I feel the OP and I connected, as both our fathers introduced us to ole Blue Eyes, and we both smoked pot. It is awesome connecting with people. This is the beauty of music, and this why we are ( I am ) here. @roberjerman, I apologize, but you still need to try some power cables and hear, if not benefits, differences, as you will understand, we are not lunatics. @lgoler, Hey buddy................... It is a beautiful day and I’m going to the pool. Be back later.......Enjoy ! MrD.
Many of my " non audio " friends and family members have never, ever considered me crazy, or frivolous, with my passion. I always paid my bills, raised a child, and really did the best I could as a family man ( I have been told ). In fact they all enjoy ( enjoyed ) my system ( s )....... A story, for those who would like to read it, as there is a point or two near the end................In 1996 I was privileged to be part of the N.Y. Stereophile Audio show at the Waldorf. My good friend, and his business partner, were the US distributors of Jadis, and were introducing their new horn speakers, the Eurythmie ( a hybrid actually), set up with the most expensive components Jadis manufactured. I am guessing the total system cost was about half a mil. Because of my expertise in evaluating and tweaking horn speakers, they hired me to be the show demonstrator ( cd was the only source, although a phono stage was part of the set up ). Neither of them owned horns, although were at my place many times. I had a ball at the show. I did not talk much about the gear, as all of the engineers and Jadis owners were there taking questions, although for the 3 days we were there, we mostly played music, from my collection as well as music brought by show visitors. Many of the cds were purchased at the show. A special highlight for me was when Pierre from Mapleshade stood in the back of the room, and then approached me, giving me a few of his own cds ( to keep ), as long as I played some tracks ( This was on Friday afternoon ). The room was far from perfect ( as all hotel rooms are at shows ), but the system was still capable of showing off it’s many attributes. During the 3 days, orders were being taken ( yes, checks were written ), by show goers. I do not know the specifics of how the money was distributed ( I believe the monies went to a dealer near where the " customer " resided ). This was 22 years ago. So, I am not surprised at the high prices of the equipment. There are people who can afford it. Another point I would like to make. If I hit the lottery, I would have no problem buying this system, and having a home built, with a professionally designed soundroom ( many soundrooms, actually ). Maybe an expensive collection of fine cars as well, although I am not a car guy as I am an audio guy. Of course, I would take care of my family members and friends, and give to so many foundations and causes in the world. I am just sayin... Enjoy ! MrD.
@geoffkait Absolutely agree with you ( the cds were new ). Many visitors wrote down the cd information, for purchase, specifically The Norris Turney Quartet " Big Sweet N Blue " ( on the plastic wrapper was a label indicating tracks 1, 2 and 10 ). Two or three from my collection also received much interest ( Harper Brothers " Remembrance ", Roger Waters " The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking ", and " The Essential Sarah Vaughan ". In fact, Jacques, the main Eurythmie designer, had me play, quite a number of times, and loudly, track 5 of The Pros and Cons. This is when hotel management came to visit, lol. Enjoy ! MrD.
@aalenik.....further states my thought on the subject. A buddy's daughter received a raise at her job. Not a 6 figure job, believe me. She goes out and spends $ 3K on a designer handbag, because " she had to have it ". Its her money. She is paying her way, paying off college, and wanted extravagant. Look up the price of esoteric handbags. It is just not audio related products. Just look around at what the rich can buy.......I do feel you and I might have ended this thread. Enjoy ! MrD
@lgoler  My buddy who imported the Jadis equipment, owned the top model MBLs, and they were fantastic. I played, both on vinyl and cd, the song Europa, by Carlos Santana, and, I cried, it was so emotionally " you are there " engaging. He drove them with the large Jadis amps, and also with a 360 wpc Crown Macro Reference, and sounded great with both ( different characteristics ). Although I love horns, I could easily live with the MBLs. Maybe if you could double your budget, they would do EVERYTHING you would want them to do. Enjoy ! MrD.
Yes, there are many audio products that can be considered reasonably priced. If the money is available, the room large enough, and a proper amp used to drive them ( proper room set up as a given ), I do think the MBLs are a reasonably priced pair of speakers, because, to my ears, they are that good. Of course, if they were 1/2 the cost, they would be a bargain. This is in comparison to all else available, as I agree with lgoler. Enjoy ! MrD.
@trelja  Victor is as nice a guy you could ever meet. A great salesman ( not like the old type car salesman ). Charming, passionate, and a real lover of music / equipment. Enjoy ! MrD.
Kosst, HiFi is growing, to the audiophile market, not the general public. There are numerous new audio product companies popping up all of the time, and those existing, introducing new products. You need to separate the "audio community " from the " general population ". Again, it is all about being " right " with you. I will no longer debate this with you. Have a nice day, and Enjoy ! MrD.