You are most welcome. And to be clear, it will not hurt anything to try the higher capacitance setting. It will make the sound brighter and you might prefer that, so feel free to do a bit of fun experimenting. My recommendation of the lowest setting was just based on the 540 tending towards brightness and most folks preferring it at the lowest settings.
Art DJ Pre II Settings Help
Hello good people.
I'm hoping you can help me understand my preamp settings and what would be best for my setup. I have an Art DJ Pre II preamp that I just added a linear 12v 4amp power supply. I have a Technics 1500c TT with an Audio Technica VM540ML MM cartridge. I don't think my amp is relevant to the discussion, but if I'm dumb, please tell me. So the 2 settings that I don't understand are the input cap 100 pf vs 200 pf and the filter button with choices of Low Cut or Flat.
My built in TT preamp is disabled. I'm using the CD input on my amp. My TT is grounded to my preamp.
For Gain Trim, I believe I turn it up until I just start to get flickers of clipping.. Is that correct?
Are there cartridge differences that would impact the input cap choice or the filter choice?
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Awesome! Thanks @viridian ! |