Art Audio - anyone know what's up?

Hi all - first time poster here. I've been building a SET based system for the past couple of years, with an Art Audio Jota at the center of it. Hence the question…

Anyone know what's going on with Art Audio and their U.S. service? I've tried reaching Tom Hudson at Hudson Audio Imports in New Jersey - supposedly their US representative - but he hasn't returned calls for a couple of months and now there's no outgoing voicemail message identifying the company. I sent an email query to Art Audio via their UK Website, but got no response. Then I called them in the UK and … you get the picture. nada.

Disclaimer - I know there are lots of, shall we say, "colorful" stories about the previous US representative for Art Audio. I'm mainly interested in finding service for the Jota in the future. There's nothing wrong with it at the moment - I spoke to Tom Hudson a while ago about upgrading the output transformers, and I was thinking about pulling the trigger.

Any help much appreciated! Dan

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You might also contact Galen Carol at I think he was a big supporters of Art Audio.