Arrangement of components on rack

Now and again -- though not often enough, probably -- I spend some time unhooking and unplugging everything in my system, dusting the works, and then setting it all back up again. Makes me feel better, and it seems that the simple act of unplugging and then reattaching cables and power cords etc. improves the sound, too -- if only in my mind.

As I'm getting ready to do that now, I just had a thought: Is there a generally accepted arrangement for components sharing a rack? What I mean is: Are there components that ought be placed close together and those that should be better spaced out? My power amp sits between my speakers, with the rest of the gear over on the side wall.

I've got a turntable, so that takes care of what goes on the top shelf. The other components: A preamp, a separate phono preamp, a CD transport and DAC in one box, a Bluesound Node streamer.

With all else equal, should, say, the phono preamp and the preamp be near each other? Far apart? does it not matter? I've generally just kind of plunked things down and gone from there -- and haven't experienced too much trouble -- though some years back when I had the preamp (the main one, not the phono pre) up close to the turntable I had a bit of hum, so put the preamp on the bottom shelf and have continued to do so.

Still, as I got to wondering and am set to get to work on this soonish, I thought I'd ask if there's a generally accepted way of arranging things.

Thanks very much.

-- Howard


Showing 6 responses by manogolf

Is it bad form to ask your own question in a thread? Seems reasonable when the topic is related vs starting a new thread. 
My given apartment situation creates a very long constraints list. The current solution is longer XLR interconnects between pre and amps. Reading this thread suggests another approach. Longer USB cable between source (iMac to pre) and set pre closer to amps and minimize interconnect distance. 
Is the current configuration with longer interconnects the better approach?
Pandemic purchasing. There is no other explanation. I didn’t ever see myself becoming an impulse buyer and in that first six months of staying trapped at home I went nuts. 
Started with replacing a 25 year old set of unimpressive floor standers to all new components, speakers, stands, wall treatment; you get the idea. Only after, once I emerged from under a pile of cardboard, did I become acutely aware of my new addiction. I made mistakes. 
Your response makes perfect sense for minimizing the pile of cords and interconnects I now own. If only AG forum was discovered before the rabbit hole. 
The music has never sounded better though. 

I recall reading a post where you suggested a minimalist setup that included an integrated amp. Do you have that handy? I am unable to find it. 
Yes MC I have read your advocacy for mid to high sensitivity ratings and understand the rationale. Several key mistake were made in my binge and admittedly one is speaker sensitivity.
Bargain minded was my plight instead of reason applying sensibility and I impulsed bought a speaker pair sensitive rated at 86 db. I would take a 50% loss on resale and am willing to take the beating. I hope for a 70% loss on other components but it could turn out worse. Setting a true north is the present plan.
I posted a system page. Not that I wanted to stand next to giants but alas here we go.

I'm residing in a 120 year old SF apartment and by some kind of luck the building owner installed a dedicated 20amp circuit on the east wall some time ago. Not ideal for powering the system but it's dedicated! I'm working on having his electrician install a new 20A circuit on the wall next to my speakers. I told him I will foot the bill but he was unimpressed. Wish me luck.

I lost a 2000 LP collection in a house fire and the ex sold off ~500 CD's in a garage sale while in Palm Springs playing in a golf tournament. Water under the bridge.

Against the residing purists I find myself listening via Qobuz and Roon core on the iMac. The 200 LP's that survived are in superior condition but a shallow collection. 
The mini monitors are a pair. I sit between the coffee table and desk centered on floor standers. About 7’ away and 5’ from back wall. A small sweet spot and at times it does tingle the senses. The mini’s are also centered in my LP and sing well with the front speakers. When I’m in that mood for four speakers. My friend had a quadraphonic hifi and we spent our teenage years spinning vinyl on that set. I have a soft spot for four speakers in play