Arm suggestions for my Basis 1400

Currently I have a Basis 1400 table with a RB300 tone arm (stock cables). My cartrige is a Micro Benz MC20E2. I only recently got this first turntable (barely used for $1100) and I wanted some suggestions on a better arm/cartridge combo I could upgrade to. I was thinking about upgrading to a RB900 tone arm with cardas wire and a Micro Benz Ace cartridge. My preamp is a Ayre K-3x (amazing phono stage).

Please help out this vinyl newbie.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Decided to get a new cartridge for my Basis Table. Just got a Micro Benz Glider 2 installed on the RB300 arm. This cartridge makes all the difference in the world. It is still breaking in though. I also aquired some Cardas XLR-RCA adapters (MUCH better than the ones I was using before).

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Viridian, no, I haven't heard the new RB1000 yet. However, on the Rega website, it states that it is simply another refinement of the RB300 design, with better bearings and more hands-on adjustment and quality control. I think that this would contribute to the sound quality, and would expect that with the already excellent basis of the RB300, and these added improvements, that it would be a very good sounding arm. I'm looking forward to listening to one.
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