Arguments for or against dedicated vs combo CD/DVD

I am starting the process of upgrading my cd player. Wondering what people think about having a cd/dvd combo unit vs having a dedicated cd unit. At the time I have a Toshiba SD6200 DVD player, which I like very much and seems to have a good reputation. Looking to spend less than $1500.00 new or used. My listening interests range from jazz/blues to rock. Any information would be helpful as I am very new to this world. Also suggestions on units to look for would be appreciated in addition to advice on whether SACD or DVDA is going to take off. Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 1 response by socrates

I've not heard of a single cd/dvd/hi rez combo player that has been well regarded for all of its formats playback by the majority of folks that have heard them. This is including the statement/flagship pieces from Philips, Pioneer and Sony, umong others, that are pretty pricey. It seems that one is better off using dedicated players for each format if sonics are of the utmost importance. Personally, If you need a DVD player I would buy a cheap (under $200) DVD/high rez player for movies and to play with the new formats if your interested, and spend the rest of your budget on the best dedicated CD player or CDP/DAC that you can afford.