Argo's Oscar nominations look like...

Obama's Nobel prize.
I'd regret paying to see it in the movies.

Showing 7 responses by marakanetz

most of us folks here once knew how to have fun too. condolences for all good past.
we speak about music performances here so can speak about movies.
you can speak a-bit politically while you can and while we still have soon to be ended bill of rights active.

Moderators posted this thread after 4 hours of careful evaluation manually and decided to allow.
no i counted hours from posting till posted. if moderation is automated, than i don't need to wait 4 hours...

Vicdamone, you can start from #1, 2 and 4.

In reality I only intend to critisize tasteless and useless Oscar nomination for neither roles played complexity or what this scenario or the whole Hollywood worth now. If our beloved Mr Obama would all of a sudden try to become a film director just like Ben, I betcha he'd get an Oscar regardless of the movie quality just like he's got his Nobel Prise.

Connections and political status mean much more than arts(burp).

There's music portion, but there's no movie. So the Home Theater for now and movies later:-)
That's what you see, but I don't care and really don't give
a truck weather it's been just sittin' or moderated. It's
just there.

I got ya. You'll be even OK when halifat takes over
constitution and I won't.