Are you spending your time at the computer instead

of listening to your system? Is your hobby leaning more and more towards internet sites and discussion groups on things hi-fi or are you still listening to as much recorded music as before? Do you do both at the same time, and if yes, do you think that it is a good thing to have a mega dollar system's sound "filtered" through a video display screen.

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

Since rediscovering vinyl about 5 months ago I've not had the time to hang around Agon or the asylum. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Agon very much and used to visit daily. However now I have become obsessed with buying all the vinyl that I possibly can before it disappears. I have bought about 500 albums in the last 3 months. That's a lot of new music and I feel obligated to listen to all of it. Therefore I have had no time to spend on the computer except to buy more albums. Pardon me, a new lot of albums just arrived. I must go listen to them now.