Are you pairing Tube Preamp/Line Stage with Class D Power Amp?

If yes, what have you liked? I'm curious about other Class D amps now that I found one I like. I have a Marantz Ruby integrated. I put it in Power Amp mode and plopped a wonderful Doge Audio Clarity Preamp in front of it.  

The tube pre really opened up the soundstage further--great combo.  

I'm wondering about moving the Ruby to a second system and finding a different Class D or SS amp.  

PS There was a similar thread from 2019 but it only registered a handful of responses.  Maybe more folks have come around to Class D and have played with putting tubes in front of one. 


Showing 1 response by soix

Nice preamp! Obviously AGD should be on your list along with Ralph’s new amp and maybe even LSA if that’s more in your budget. I will say I heard Joseph Audio Pulsars at a show powered by Bel Canto mono block amps, which honestly shocked me, and I was really impressed with the level of clean detail and musicality — changed my impressions of Class D amps completely.

So, Ralph, since we’ve got you here I gotta ask, how would you compare the sound of your new amp versus your OTL amps?  I have to believe there are similarities or you probably wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of building a GaN amp of your own, but I also imagine that at least some of that “tube magic” must be lost, no?  Love to hear your thoughts!