Are you mass less

It took me a while to really warm up to the mass less ends "eti,aeco,kle"...but i do think that they are for me the way to go...I do have some furutech,dh labs and do like the sound of good copper ends...i mean for years it was kind of hard to think that these gimicky ends could sound so good...Its been some time with them and really liking what im hearing.


Showing 7 responses by digsmithd

Eti,aeco rca for my interconnects...its got me wondering if knock offs will be as good or close to the big boys...a walk through ebay and theres no shortage of them.

When soldering rueb...are you doing the ends of wire/connector? need medium iron?...i have some mundorf and you/NNoise got me thinking.

wow dekay these are interesting stuff indeed.


Im using ETI connectors and v twist from venhaus.The Aeco (aec) are another i really like (parts conn)...i guess cause they are reasonable...I like the copper,plenty of clarity.

Thanks for that steve...yeah id would like to use them more often than i have.They are hard to connect sometimes and that has steered me away from them.At this point i do prefer the eti...but i should try the klei again.

Thanks steve for using double female rca and harbour freight adjustable vise.Works pretty well.I should have something with more metal seems.Like the 45 degree thing...could see using that.Are the new perfect harmony’s that much better than discontinued absol.Curious about your cables/geometry,ect...thanks for that.Just trying to keep simple and doable stuff...not at your level of sho.