Are you manufacturer's paying attention?

There's an absolute feast of high dollar amplifiers on the board unsold, some for a second go-around. All great names and models. At the same time, you see more and more value-priced components like the ASL Wave and lot's more interest in kits.
I have seen 2 different manufacturer's post on the Asylum questioning what people want in sub-$1000 amps. No big names, though. Wouldn't it be nice if C-J, ARC, Cary, Plinius etc., gave us some solid pieces at realistic prices instead of questionable upgrades with increases?
I'm also waiting for Stereophile to review the latest from whomever and tell us that the signature edition with the same old op-amp or cathode follower with the new name sounds the same as the predecessor. Yeah, and somewhere in Arkansas there really is a pig that can whistle!

Showing 1 response by pmwoodward

95% of the performance at half the price! This is a theory that I adhere to do to my limited funds. If I had an endless bank acount, I might be purchasing differantly. I suppose that the manufacturers are developing products in the market that they think they will most likely succeed in. I typically buy used for economic reasons, however, my last 2 amp purchases were new products, the Odyssey Stratus and the Decware Integrated. Both of these being direct from the manufacturer. This method probably saves somewhere around 40%. Not quite as convenient as your local audio store, but at least as good a way to buy comparing to buying used.
As for a list, I'll stick with:
1. Decware Integrated $1495 (new) or any of the Zen's
2. Odyssey Stratus $995 (new)
I'd love to see others "short" lists