Are you manufacturer's paying attention?

There's an absolute feast of high dollar amplifiers on the board unsold, some for a second go-around. All great names and models. At the same time, you see more and more value-priced components like the ASL Wave and lot's more interest in kits.
I have seen 2 different manufacturer's post on the Asylum questioning what people want in sub-$1000 amps. No big names, though. Wouldn't it be nice if C-J, ARC, Cary, Plinius etc., gave us some solid pieces at realistic prices instead of questionable upgrades with increases?
I'm also waiting for Stereophile to review the latest from whomever and tell us that the signature edition with the same old op-amp or cathode follower with the new name sounds the same as the predecessor. Yeah, and somewhere in Arkansas there really is a pig that can whistle!

Showing 2 responses by gregm

Patmatt, you're asking for a clear "value proposition" from manufacturers. I agree. I think this is most pertinent when it comes to electronics and digital sources. IMO, we're getting products, but rarely, bang for the $, even in giga$ propositions.

I won't go into the economics behind giga$ "reference" products and min$ compromises -- we're all tolerably familiar with this argumentation.

I'll give an example: an EE friend build an *awesome* (tube) pre-amplification unit. The replacement cost of all components used (0,6 farad power supply, for example) without the casing was $2.1k, his involvement & research NOT included. In commercial parlance, we're looking at a 10x multiplier i.e., a retail price of 21k + tax, for the cost alone! (to include, distribution channel, advertising, we've got to make a living, etc).
However, that's a niche-market lemon: "who's going to buy that product", the Sales & Marketing VP might ask... The same VP could also note: "there's few enough buyers out there, if I produce the *ultimate* today, how will I survive tomorrow?"

I forgot to mention that the pre is based on modified 70's & 80's topologies, that are *cheaper* to realise today, God Bless the www.
NOT the latest, rocket-science technology.

I'm not asserting the aforementioned pre is the ultimate. I don't have the knowledge & experience. I can say it's better (by far) than my $5k pre.

So, before I buy, I join in asking manufacturers the question, "what value are you adding to my system, commensurate to the investment".
ralph@atma sez:"We would all like to make amps that cheap, I imagine, but the facts are that such an amp has to really have some corners cut to be worth making." I dare say my indirect experience in the matter tallies, lately with a EE friend battling to build a "no-compromise" pre (tube).
The materials research alone has cost him $4.5k and it's not over; already the unit in "beta" form costs ~2.5k to assemble NOT including case, etc and damping matls. The chord linking the PS to the main chassis adds another $100...
And this from a seasoned hobbyist with 25yrs of tinkering behind him!
I hate to think what the retail price of such a unit could be!