Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?

Showing 3 responses by sedond

i've got about $12k into my rig, but i'm by no means rich - it's been built up over the years in bits-n-pieces. one of the amps i use i purchased in '85. oh, & i'm also a bargain-shopper - the retail price of my system is ~$35k. :>) but the whole fambly enjoys listening to the toons...
hey, sometimes some of us are actually trying to improve the sound of our systems, not yust spend money - my current speakers retailed for $3800 (tax/delivery not included), the ones i'm now wanting to buy retail for $2265, delivered.
david, i'm considering the newform research nhb645's or r645's.

angela's point about "hunting instinct" is well-taken - i paid <30% of retail for my current speakers, & i'll have to pay full-boat for the newforms - it'll totally ruin my 3:1 retail-price/paid-price ratio for my system! ;~) but, hopefully, it will exponentially improve the sound of the system, compared to the sound of *cost-no-object* systems... :>)

regards, doug