Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?

Showing 3 responses by ramstl

Sometimes it is a matter of priorities. Some people think nothing of spending $25,000 on a new boat that they keep at some dock and use only a handfull of times. Others will spend lots of money on new clothes, cars or even going out to dinner X's times per week. If I let my wife have it her way we would spend $500 a month just going out to dinner. Let's see that's $6,000 a year. That could get you a good used system. Do the math and fiqure out what you could get over a 5 year span. Anyway, no I'm not rich. I just have my priorities. To tell the truth, I'm kind of tired of hearing people complain about the cost of a $700.00 cd player, when that same person would spend $200 on a pair of sneakers. I would agree that at a certain price point the value curve begins to flatten out, however, overtime, with well used budgeting skills, a person can put together a nice system that won't kill them. Come on, a good case of beer will run you $35.00!
Hey, Axomoxa! Is that "Steal your face" or Steal your inter-face" ? Anyway, I'm GDTRFB!
Hey now! It just a matter of values, balance and priorities. Anyone can spend their money anyway they want, just don't tell me how to spend mine. It all relative, man! As a matter of fact, I want people to buy the best, spend the most and trade in often. It is part of the system that encourages engineers to push the limit and thus trickle down tech. I want to see what can be done with unlimited resources which thus has implication for other aspects, blah, blah, blah....... and of course I love that cheap used gear! Hey Axomoxa, was that "how many micro-dots or micro-buses." Well, I guess today it is more like micro brew. "What a long strange trip it will be!"