Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?

I've recently auditioned Sophia 2's and found them to be very lean in the midbass (but nice speaker overall) and am wondering if this observation is typical or unusual.


Showing 1 response by cytocycle


Don't bother changing your excellent amps, I used Citadels on my WP7's and Maxx2, and they are not lean, I did however find my older MIT cables output more low bass and sacrificed some of the upper mid bass (but that was 8 years ago and I'm sure MIT has resolved that), and now I run transparent. Switching to Pass amps is not the answer, as this really is a setup issue.

Sophia's are not mid bass lean and it sounds like your speakers are puttting your listening position into a bass null zone. Look at your wilson manual or google "Wilson WASP" setup and use painters tape to mark where your dealer setup your speakers so you can return it there if you don't like it and then start voicing within the zone (which will be closer to the wall).

If you are having imaging and soundstaging issues then you have exceed the equation for setup of 1.1~1.2 times the distance between the tweeters is where your listening position is. When you are sitting in the correct location you should be able to barely see the inside rear corner of the Sophia's as they should be toed pretty directly at the listening position. This minimizes the 1st order reflection points.

Your Realtraps will tighten up the bass so you can try removing them but they will get rid of the boom.

Have you spiked your Wilsons yet? If you haven't the soundstage/detail will be soft as will the bass.

If that position doesn't work, try moving the speakers in the zone you marked out during the process so that you can move your listening seat either forward or back and hopefully out of the bass Null.