Are these fake?

Seller is in China, looks fake due the price of course... but I know sometimes they can be "fell off the truck" situations. Insight anyone?

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

cal91- Millercarbon: why do you feel the need to continually bring your far right political views into discussions about audio equipment?

OP: Are these fake?

Seller is in China
So now its "far right" even to answer a question about audio components made in China on a thread specifically asking about audio components made in China. Please Mr Taliban tell us what speech is allowed. Maybe post a thread listing precisely which views we are allowed to espouse without threat of insult. Which is precisely what you did. Its called an insult. Not an argument.

Face it cal91, you have no argument. If you had them you would use them. You have only insults. Well, I will not be bullied by your insults.Yours or anyone else’s.

Yes but things these days can be complicated. Fake like fake news fake like CNN, MSNBC, the CCP virus and enemy of the people fake? Or fake like what they call the truth fake? 

These being from China gets even more complicated. Borderline criminal fake like carcinogenic sheetrock fake, PPE that don't work fake? Or genuine fake like they stole the technology fake? Or just plain old run of the mill hey you knew it was made in China so what were you thinking buyer beware fake?