Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?

I have a pair of B&W 805d3’s. Strictly analog system. Source is the Clearaudio Ovation, Hana SL cart. Herron VTPH-2A phono stage. Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated amp. The speakers sound great most of the time. I have many records that cause the speakers to essentially disappear with a holographic sound stage, beautiful imaging and great dynamics. Some other records, not so much. Curious if there’s a way to achieve disappearing speakers no matter what recording you throw at them? Thanks!


My analog input 1983 active Meridian M-20 & M-100 loudspeakers are hologram generators.

I wonder if the meridians and Thiels (mentioned above) have wide dispersion and if many/most wide dispersion speakers have this quality.

This is probably not what the OP is referring to, but anyone who has ever heard the Beveridge electrostatic speakers would have to answer YES.  They generated a true cylindrical wavefront - you could walk anywhere in the room including around and between the speakers without ever being able to tell where the sound was coming from!