Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?

I miss the old days, circa 2007. I miss my great sounding multi channel Marantz disc player the UD7007, and the way it played dvd-audio, SACDs, and redbook convincingly. I have a lot of multi channel SACDs and dvd-a that I can’t listen to because my current player only does two channel. Does anyone know of any new players marketed for that same purpose, or do I need to get with the times, buy a streamer and admit defeat? I understand that not all multi channel audio was good, but a lot still is, and having the option to play it—in high resolution two channel as well—was terrific.

I still have the Marantz, but I was told it wasn’t worth repairing. Maybe it is after all. Maybe something on the used marketplace?

Anyone have any suggestions?


Showing 2 responses by stereo5

I own an Esoteric UX-3 universal player which also plays DVD audio.  They come up here from time to time for a couple of thousand.

I have a streamer and a Esoteric SACD player.  The SACD player gets full use, the streamer sits in the rack covered with dust. I like the physical disks much better and my CD’s sound much more analog sounding.