Are there any audiophile Air BnB's?

Hi all, 

As question stated i'd like to set up a trip with a few friends to rent something really cool as we near retirement.  Would be neat if there was some type of Carmel CA beach house, overlooking the ocean with a $30K well vetted system in it.  I'd take CO overlooking the mountains or Sedona AZ also.   Anyone ever seen anything like this?  




Showing 1 response by drbarney1

Let any tenant supply his/her own system and make it clear to the tenant and neighbors that any complaint, which need not require a neighbor to confront the tenant and put up with false promises to turn it down only to be followed by experimenting with how loud the tenant can get away with, will result in immediate eviction the first time it happens. There will be no warning because you can't trust any bully who forces their culture, in this case, their music, down anyone's throat to change.

One way to decrease the risk of renting to such a bully is to specify, "Smokers need not apply" in advertising the rental.