Audiophile Thunderbolt 3 or 4 cable recommendations?

I'm a composer engaged in audiophile recordings of an excellent grand piano.  I just upgraded a Lynx Hilo 1 USB interface AD/DA converter to a Hilo 2 Thunderbolt 3 interface AD/DA converter.  I tried the Thunderbolt cables I have on hand (Sonnet Thunderbolt 3, Apple Thunderbolt 3, and Apple Thunderbolt 4 Pro cable), and in my signal chain (Josephson mics, Avalon Design mic preamp, AudioQuest Fire .5 m XLR interconnects as mic and preamp cables), the Thunderbolt 4 Pro cable sounded best -- but I'm wondering if I can do better.  From prior experience with the Hilo 1 USB (type B port) and trying multiple USB cables in the same signal chain above, I found the AudioQuest Diamond B to C USB cable sounded best.  Unfortunately AudioQuest doesn't make a Thunderbolt cable (although they do make a USB C to C cable, which I'll try if I can), and I looked extensively on the internet but couldn't find any audiophile Thunderbolt 3 or 4 cables.  Can any of you help?

Thanks, and warm regards,

