Are there any $1500 tube preamps that that can compare with Tubes4hifi's SP14?

Reviews on the Tubes4hifi's SP14 are consistently positive and so many people are blown away by them.  I haven't heard one but I want one. I want to upgrade and would like to know if there other ones that can hold up against the SP14 at the $1500 price point. 
Your amp requires 1.4vrms to reach maximum power.  Your sources are all digital which means you are already above 1vrms into your amp.

Let me pose the the question of why do you need a preamp?  

@ajcrocker1 , this thread may help bring you up to speed on the OP's situation.

He just tried a tube preamp (AI) and found that it sounded MUCH better than his passive preamp.
I previously was using the Mod Squad line drive passive preamp. The difference in sound quality astounding. The passive Mod Squad sounded two dimensional  in comparison. And the magical thing was, mind you I have never heard a tube preamp before, was that the  AI connected the note playing with the note that it just passed and to the note that it would it would soon become. It's amazing 
Post removed 
Maybe the title of this thread is a little too narrow question. I'm really asking if folks can recommend tube preamp's that have great imaging, have that musical sweet sound, and improve on the highs with a $1500 budget