Are the Revel gems better than the f50a speakers?

I have a newish pair of revel f50a speakers and find them very good with my Esoteric UX1player and my mark levinson 326s pre amp with two levinson 29 dual mono amps,but I have been told that I would get even better results by using the ultima gems.Is their a person who has compared the two who could give me an informed opinion
Thank you
I used to have F50a's in my HT, but have since upgraded to Gems. I also tried both out in my stereo system, and without a doubt, the Gem is a much superior speaker, IF you can live without the deepest bass of the F50's.
I run the GEMs in the Revel Ultima System from a McIntosh MC 2000 tube amp and I have never heard something more "matching" and "correct" when listening to classical/jazz material.
Of course the f50 are very good speakers (though Revel has the Ultima series after all). No wonder - they are from the same barn.....