Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?

It seems to me the Grammy's have never recovered from the introduction of the MTV Music Awards. The MTV Music Awards came out of the gate with two objectives:

1. To modernize the format of music awards and shock the audience.
2. Provide a new stage for Rappers and Hip-Hop music.

This was a combination that became highly successful for MTV. At first the Grammy's tried to remain above the fray and put on a classy show, however over time to compete they've became just another MTV type music award. Which leads to the question - are the Grammy's still relevant? Do you look forward to watching the show every year and if so; why?
Rlwainwright we sure wouldn't want talent to be an issue. Some people are so stupid they sit and giggle at the television when anyone, no matter how stupid, insults the highest office in the country in spite of the fact that millions of people agree with the US policy in Iraq.

It's time to grow up. If you people had your way black Americans would still be slaves...
I don't think I've watched the Grammys in about 10 years or so. They have nothing to do with musical talent and are all about politics. I was, however, glad to see the Chixie Dicks run the table - anyone who will stand up to this administration has got my best wishes.

Every time I see Stevie Wonder on the Grammy's (which is every f-ing year), I am reminded of just how irrelevant they are.
I could care less about awards shows period. The Grammy's is just another one imo. I don't look forward to it whatsoever. The only reason I turned it on was because there was nothing else on of interest and I only looked at it for a few minutes. Yes imo the Grammy's are irrelevant.
That is an insult to music lovers, the Grammy's have been irrelevant for years!!! Other than politics, how can one explain the Dixie Sluts getting five mammories, I mean Grammy's...

It hasn't been about music for a long time...

