Are reviewers biased towards equipment they own?

In the Metronome kalista review@ 6moons, the Danish Husband and Wife review team, preferred the French player over the Linn CD12 and the Zanden 2000P. Linnman(another 6moons reviewer who owns the Zanden combo), obviously(?), prefers the his own equipment. Whaddaya think?

Showing 1 response by honest1

I think this has to be true, otherwise he wouldn't have bought the piece in the first place. Disregardoing the notion of reviews based on advertising $$$ for a moment, I think this is why you have to understand the reviewer's preferences and experiences. I remember one review of a CD player that had been criticized by some Agoners as having bass lim,itations. The reviewer thought it had great bass, but then the reviewer admitted he had very little experience with full range speakers, CD players, and had just plugged in a subwoofer for this review. It's no wonder he was impressed with its bass capability. That's not to say he was dishonest, especially since he was very forthcoming with his experience, but it does put his comments in perspective. I wpould like to see more reviews that put the equipment under review in context to other equipment BY NAME, and to the reviewers experience level. I'm sick of reading revfiewers say something is so much better than other equipment that falls short in so many ways, but don't say what that equipment is.