Are measurements the end all, be all?

Good morning friends.

I was doing some light reading and research yesterday regarding the Volti Razz, speakers that if all goes according to plan, will grace my home in early 2023. As most of you her know, the press, as well as the comments found on the Razz are very positive. Much of what I've read here on AG has brought me to the doorstep of Volti and Mr. Roberts. (who BTW is a very nice gentleman, full of knowledge and the willingness to share). I am counting the days until the Florida show, when I hope to get some listening sessions. 

I stumbled on an unnamed site forum and was really taken aback. My two takeaways were, 1. some members outright trashed the Razz based simply on the measurement data, never even having heard the speakers. 2. when a couple of members who actually owned a pair pushed back and provided first hand accounts, they were heaped upon and thumped by long winded sermons citing only measurements and specifications. (while I have read plenty of passionate debates here on AG, I've never witnessed what I would describe as mob assault). 

It did get me thinking however. 

For me specifications do matter to me. I am interested in a speakers sensitivity and impedance characteristic, the frequency range as well as the guts. (cabinet design, drivers, crossover components etc... However what I most important to me is how the speakers sound and how to they make me feel when I listen to my favored music. Does the music fill my cup?

I recall when I was working at the only audio shop that mattered in my midsize town. The Tannoy Six's series came out and we stocked them. I fell in love with the dual concentric stand mount. To me they were the bees knees. The wife of my boss, thought they were simply awful. To each his or her own right?

One of the major reasons I love this world so much is the hunt and all that goes with it. The idea that grows to a dream then a goal to own. The time spent listening, reading and researching. The debate here on AG !!

That reminds me, I want to express my gratitude for this site and everyone here who is passionate about audio..

I'm interested to hear from my brothers and sisters out there. How do you discern? What is your process? 

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Showing 2 responses by charles1dad


The basic foundation of high end audio / Audiophilia is observation (like science). Every component and their interaction is about this. You must listen to them… each person has different values and the true musical performance (sound quality) is not capured by a few variables. This is where many people go wrong and go down dead ends or just get frustrated… you must listen to stuff and master the language describing sound… not make judgements based on a grossly simplified view based on a few basic parameters.

Very well stated. The “science “ analogy is appropriate. Observation, interaction and then your assessment of the listening encounter. This is far more valuable and useful than numbers/measurements on paper.



Most here would agree with above. If you like what you end up hearing at upcoming Florida Audio Expo then that’s all should matter. Also, it is a great opportunity for you to explore other speakers and gear. 

My suggestion would be to not pay any attention to this unnamed site, it is well known for mob mentality. The founder and members of this unnamed site pride themselves at gaslighting

I agree with this wise advice. Go hear them at the Florida show. Ask the builder of these speakers about how/why they measure as they do. I suspect he will provide a logical and informed explanation. Judge for yourself. Measurements are useful I do not deny. However, nothing is a substitute for actual listening encounters.
