Are KT-88 a good substitute for 6550c?

I have a VTL stereo 150 amp that uses 8 6550c tubes. I usually replace them with the Selvtlana 6550c. I was told that the Electro Harmonix KT 88 was a better sounding tube, more romantic less punchier than the 6550's. I would like to try them but don't know if this is a good idea changing tubes.
Does anyone have any expierence with this.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Zaikesman had a thread on this that you might look for; unfortunately, the KT88s I lent him did not bias properly in his amp and he hasn't been able to try them, but I now think they may have been worn out from too many years in my Jadis, which tend to eat up tubes. I may lend him some virtually unused Gold Lions to try. My experience with Jadis, rather than VTL, amplification is that the KT88s have most of the bass power of the 6550s but a much richer and harmonically correct midrange--the 6550s sound thinner and coarser, less refined in that area in comparison. Can't tell if this will hold true in the VTL circuit, nor can I vouch for the Electro Harmonix tubes (the Gold Lions are to die for, though, IMHO), but it does seem consistent with what you were told.