Are internet sales taking business or not?

I got into a heated discussion with my friend the other day about internet high-end audio sales. He felt that the internet was stealing business from retailers. I argued that retailers are losing business because they offer such poor customer service. By driving hungry customers away, retailers create a market opportunity that internet companies seize. In a 12 year period, my visits to 9 high-end salons in 5 states yielded only 50% satisfaction. 25% of the time the sales was sub-standard (meaning I might buy, but with much reluctance), and the other 25% was incredibly poor (I wouldn't buy, period!) Any comments?

Showing 1 response by justlisten

i think many people who work in the service industry and retail simply do not get it. they appear to me like they hate their jobs so much to the point that they are doing ME a favor by assiting me, or allowing me to purchase from them. perhaps its the management or ownership of these busineses, but given the choice, I prefer to buy using my computer. there are less errors in my orders and I dont get any attitude. just last week, I needed to pick up a Police report from a Local PD, I went out of my way to greet and thank the clerk for her for her assistance, she could not have been less enthusiastic, not a word in return made me want to remind her that she has a job becuase of people like me. the same day i went to buy a sandwich at a grocery store, the deli person was chatting away with her co workers while a line of myself and 2 others waited. once she got to helping us, her attitude was so poor, I decided it wasnt worth the wait as she would likely get Pissed at how I wanted my sandwich. same goes with high end audio, i went to a local shop and had tried to demo a pair of speakers which were on consignment, they were broken. i happened to pick up a used DAC that same day and brought it home and it too was broken, i took it back and asked the sales guy, "do you check your gear that you take in used?"....he replied with some smart ass remark, "no we try to rip off our customers"

buying off Audiogon, is done by email and 99% of the time, professionally, even fun at times, not what ive been getting at local retail establishments.