Are internal component upgrades worth it.

Hey guys, 

I have 5 year old Cornwall IVs that I have paired with a Luxman L-507z integrated amp. (do not smack me) Ive watched a few upgrade videos like Boston audiophile and of course Danny Richie and they claim that upgrading the crossovers, using tube connectors, upgrading the internal wiring and using norez in the cabinet will take these speakers to another level. Now I like these speakers but I dont know if im handy enough to do the DIY upgrade. Shipping 100 pound speakers is not an option. So are these upgrades really a thing? Ive only ever had these speakers in my system so i dont know what im missing if I am.

Thanks for your consideration


Showing 1 response by paradisecom

I think addressing the cabinet concerns with adding internal bracing and something like Norez would yield much greater results than messing with the crossovers.  If I was a novice, that's something that I'd look at first.  

If that's a bit beyond what you're comfortable with, you could find a local cabinet maker or wood worker than can do it for you.